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Thomas and Friends Song

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Thomas and Friends Song


湯瑪士火車(Thomas and friends),從前的我從來不知道有這個叫做湯瑪士火車的卡通或者是玩具,直到生了小孩後,小孩慢慢長大,然後,我開始看幼幼台,開始採買小孩玩具,就這樣, 我開始注意到湯瑪士火車的卡通及廣告,嗯,這個我小孩不怎麼愛看的卡通,卻也走入了我們家中。











湯瑪士火車的魅力還真是不容小覤呢,像台南縣政府曾舉辦過的「2008 糖果文化節」,就設計了十個主題館,並同時以來自英國的「湯瑪士火車」,來和本土的台糖小火車共同擔綱整個活動主軸,可見這湯瑪士火車的雄厚實力。

我個人呢,因為小朋友不愛湯瑪士火車的卡通,只愛玩具,所以我對湯瑪士火車其實並不太了解,只是大概知道它的主角有一台厚臉皮, 容易大驚小怪的小火車湯瑪士,還有一台中型的小火車詹姆士,快樂的小火車培西等等,簡單的劇情其實引不起我的特別注意。






1, Thomas the train's unique charm unmatched in that?

Thomas the train (Thomas and friends), the former did not know I never have this cartoon called Thomas or train toys, until after birth, children grow up slowly, and then, I began to see Taiwan, began to buy children toys, In this way, I started to pay attention to the cartoon Thomas the train and advertising, ah, this I do not like to watch children's cartoons, but also into our home.

Do not care to buy the Thomas the train toy group

Time with her daughter to a Toys R Us, I bought the first Toys R Us is actually a toy Thomas train, his design is very simple, the engine pulling the back of two cars, the cars can be removable letters of the alphabet, her husband said that this is true, we bought two sets of Thomas the Train.

Why buy two sets of Thomas the train, because a set of digital symbols, the other group is the letters of the alphabet, just put a group home, put the other group home, the children can play on both sides that this is also true Nai Wan Thomas train, and now Health a second daughter, the gall to continue to play indefinitely.

Buy for a long time in the distant future, one day I am looking Taiwan, suddenly saw the cartoon Thomas the train, suddenly thought of these two sets of toys, Thomas the train is not it? Later, I really need to find a look at the toys, Kazakhstan, Thomas the train is really miles ~ ~

It turned out that Thomas has long been unconsciously train and the invasion of her home has been.

I would like Thomas the train!

Daughter pearl look like mermaid baby or sponge, Pokemon cartoon, etc., such as Thomas the train and can not be compared to attract her attention, but having said that, she can be said for Thomas the train is the means if hand, every time to see Thomas the train-related products, he will laugh 's said to me, "Mummy, this is Thomas the train ~ ~"

Once we are also women and children to stores to buy things, then only two-year-old daughter, her clever each will go to a shop to buy her toys, which stores are selling supplies, little toys , but she refused to find a small Thomas the train, and the price of super-expensive, more than I can spend so much money to buy a small do not pull a few little Thomas the train, and finally got out of her dead lift the shop.

However, I admire Thomas the train roof, because even when the train can also be the protagonist, but there are so many peripheral products, at the same time children also super love.

Thomas continuous wave train

Thomas the train is not really the charm of this small, such as the Tainan County government have been held in the "candy Cultural Festival 2008", on the design theme of the 10 Hall, and at the same time from the UK, "Thomas the train" to the Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the local community who will train together throughout the activities of the main axis, showing that this Thomas the train strength.

I personally, because children do not love the cartoon Thomas the train, love toys, Thomas the train so I do not quite understand in fact, only a general idea of its main character have a thick-skinned, easy to fuss over the small train Thomas, there is a medium - James of the mini-train, mini-train happy and so in fact not have a simple story of my special attention.

Can lead to my attention, in fact, each train in the design of the front substantially round, the train the chimney, together with all the smiling faces of substantially simple and honest, that is Thomas the train marked the largest is the right word, perhaps this smiling face, together with the can be multi-purpose playing inside the fire, let me and her daughter, even fewer look at the cartoons, Thomas trains will be to attract peripheral products.

Simple and unique Thomas train

Later I learned that the original Thomas the train in addition to physical goods and cartoons, there are many super-network Thomas train online game area, you can download a number of different large and small, the Thomas the train game, but also even the collection of pictures dedicated to Thomas trains, Thomas trains and even show what really is the Yang hot soup ah ~ ~

There are cartoon Thomas the train, or Thomas the train video download, but also attracted many people's eyes, which I had to admire the deep, such a simple cartoon, but still the business opportunities it may be people on the train with the projection of a favorite bar, but it East and West ~ ~

Hello do not know that Taiwan's small Thomas the train, it can be used to describe the magic that it does not have sponge baby American humor and wit, nor the ever-changing Pokemon, but it is unique, simple and original style, it is hardly surprising that children's world, and ultimately, a Thomas the train, just like our family, the Thomas train toys, has long been in our family have a solid and a long-term habitat.

