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麥兜响噹噹精華片段 McDull Kung Fu Ding Ding Dong Highlights



導演: --
主演: 吳君如、黃秋生、The Pancakes、尹光、詹瑞文
片長: --
上映: 2009年08月13日



沖天救兵 (香港版預告2) Up (HK Trailer 2)


In order to comply with a commitment to the realization of a dream 70 years, with thousands of cards tert-color balloons, his home or on the sky, even if it means going through difficulties and dangers, are determined to find the legendary non-stop in South America's "paradise falls" . Who knows the journey to join a vibrant, so strange old favorite of the whole 8-year-old Scout boats, tert-card quiet life 180-degree reversal! They have to face heavy rains force winds buried the body and found that the legendary bird of rare birds and speak different languages and more of the paparazzi, a mysterious battle height ... t-short with the card to make living on boats Rebel many difficulties, the fun to start a super-tense effort to stimulate the Flying trip!

沖天救兵 (香港初版預告) Up (HK Teaser)


In order to comply with a commitment to the realization of a dream 70 years, with thousands of cards tert-color balloons, his home or on the sky, even if it means going through difficulties and dangers, are determined to find the legendary non-stop in South America's "paradise falls" . Who knows the journey to join a vibrant, so strange old favorite of the whole 8-year-old Scout boats, tert-card quiet life 180-degree reversal! They have to face heavy rains force winds buried the body and found that the legendary bird of rare birds and speak different languages and more of the paparazzi, a mysterious battle height ... t-short with the card to make living on boats Rebel many difficulties, the fun to start a super-tense effort to stimulate the Flying trip!


Bob the Builder song

建築師巴布由英國 HIT Entertainment 發行,Hot Animation設計團隊製作,運用黏土動畫以栩栩如生的擬人手法,將巴布與他的一群工程車隊帶入孩子的日常生活中。


建築師巴布的卡通已在全球100多個國家播出,不僅獲得英國學前教育節目的優良評比,同時也在美國、日本、德國、澳大利亞等國家深受好評。卡通單曲《Can We Fix It?》更在2000、2001年榮登全英單曲排行榜銷量第一!


Architects Babu HIT Entertainment issued by the British, Hot Animation production design team, the use of clay animation to vividly anthropomorphic approach to Babu and his team into a group of works in the daily lives of children.

Babu Architects since 1997 by the United Kingdom immediately after the introduction of children's favorite, what he wants to convey to the children not only "respect each other, work together," an important, more emphasis on the "completion of the process, is the most interesting places."

Babu has been the architect of the cartoon more than 100 countries around the world broadcast the British pre-school programs not only an excellent rating, and also the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia and other countries have been well received. Cartoon single "Can We Fix It? "Year in 2000,2001 crowned All-England singles sales charts the first!

In addition to the use of television media, as well as the promotion of public relations activities, but also with the promotion, gift activities to enhance the well-known architects Babu. In 2007, architect Babu In addition to participating in "The Adventures of Thomas Summer" event, but also in the Toys R Us will be held in camera Goodwill. The future, we will plan to link social welfare activities, such as Babu spokesmen for environmental protection, etc., to enhance the charm of Papua.

Thomas and Friends Song

*新開專輯 多多指導*

Thomas and Friends Song


湯瑪士火車(Thomas and friends),從前的我從來不知道有這個叫做湯瑪士火車的卡通或者是玩具,直到生了小孩後,小孩慢慢長大,然後,我開始看幼幼台,開始採買小孩玩具,就這樣, 我開始注意到湯瑪士火車的卡通及廣告,嗯,這個我小孩不怎麼愛看的卡通,卻也走入了我們家中。











湯瑪士火車的魅力還真是不容小覤呢,像台南縣政府曾舉辦過的「2008 糖果文化節」,就設計了十個主題館,並同時以來自英國的「湯瑪士火車」,來和本土的台糖小火車共同擔綱整個活動主軸,可見這湯瑪士火車的雄厚實力。

我個人呢,因為小朋友不愛湯瑪士火車的卡通,只愛玩具,所以我對湯瑪士火車其實並不太了解,只是大概知道它的主角有一台厚臉皮, 容易大驚小怪的小火車湯瑪士,還有一台中型的小火車詹姆士,快樂的小火車培西等等,簡單的劇情其實引不起我的特別注意。






1, Thomas the train's unique charm unmatched in that?

Thomas the train (Thomas and friends), the former did not know I never have this cartoon called Thomas or train toys, until after birth, children grow up slowly, and then, I began to see Taiwan, began to buy children toys, In this way, I started to pay attention to the cartoon Thomas the train and advertising, ah, this I do not like to watch children's cartoons, but also into our home.

Do not care to buy the Thomas the train toy group

Time with her daughter to a Toys R Us, I bought the first Toys R Us is actually a toy Thomas train, his design is very simple, the engine pulling the back of two cars, the cars can be removable letters of the alphabet, her husband said that this is true, we bought two sets of Thomas the Train.

Why buy two sets of Thomas the train, because a set of digital symbols, the other group is the letters of the alphabet, just put a group home, put the other group home, the children can play on both sides that this is also true Nai Wan Thomas train, and now Health a second daughter, the gall to continue to play indefinitely.

Buy for a long time in the distant future, one day I am looking Taiwan, suddenly saw the cartoon Thomas the train, suddenly thought of these two sets of toys, Thomas the train is not it? Later, I really need to find a look at the toys, Kazakhstan, Thomas the train is really miles ~ ~

It turned out that Thomas has long been unconsciously train and the invasion of her home has been.

I would like Thomas the train!

Daughter pearl look like mermaid baby or sponge, Pokemon cartoon, etc., such as Thomas the train and can not be compared to attract her attention, but having said that, she can be said for Thomas the train is the means if hand, every time to see Thomas the train-related products, he will laugh 's said to me, "Mummy, this is Thomas the train ~ ~"

Once we are also women and children to stores to buy things, then only two-year-old daughter, her clever each will go to a shop to buy her toys, which stores are selling supplies, little toys , but she refused to find a small Thomas the train, and the price of super-expensive, more than I can spend so much money to buy a small do not pull a few little Thomas the train, and finally got out of her dead lift the shop.

However, I admire Thomas the train roof, because even when the train can also be the protagonist, but there are so many peripheral products, at the same time children also super love.

Thomas continuous wave train

Thomas the train is not really the charm of this small, such as the Tainan County government have been held in the "candy Cultural Festival 2008", on the design theme of the 10 Hall, and at the same time from the UK, "Thomas the train" to the Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the local community who will train together throughout the activities of the main axis, showing that this Thomas the train strength.

I personally, because children do not love the cartoon Thomas the train, love toys, Thomas the train so I do not quite understand in fact, only a general idea of its main character have a thick-skinned, easy to fuss over the small train Thomas, there is a medium - James of the mini-train, mini-train happy and so in fact not have a simple story of my special attention.

Can lead to my attention, in fact, each train in the design of the front substantially round, the train the chimney, together with all the smiling faces of substantially simple and honest, that is Thomas the train marked the largest is the right word, perhaps this smiling face, together with the can be multi-purpose playing inside the fire, let me and her daughter, even fewer look at the cartoons, Thomas trains will be to attract peripheral products.

Simple and unique Thomas train

Later I learned that the original Thomas the train in addition to physical goods and cartoons, there are many super-network Thomas train online game area, you can download a number of different large and small, the Thomas the train game, but also even the collection of pictures dedicated to Thomas trains, Thomas trains and even show what really is the Yang hot soup ah ~ ~

There are cartoon Thomas the train, or Thomas the train video download, but also attracted many people's eyes, which I had to admire the deep, such a simple cartoon, but still the business opportunities it may be people on the train with the projection of a favorite bar, but it East and West ~ ~

Hello do not know that Taiwan's small Thomas the train, it can be used to describe the magic that it does not have sponge baby American humor and wit, nor the ever-changing Pokemon, but it is unique, simple and original style, it is hardly surprising that children's world, and ultimately, a Thomas the train, just like our family, the Thomas train toys, has long been in our family have a solid and a long-term habitat.


Catwoman (貓女郎)

Selina Kyle 一直好像貓的東西。她是一個複雜,但復仇女人是美麗的,也是致命的。Selina Kyle是一個強維護力動物權利的活動家。然而,正如貓女她往往事項納入自己手中。這使她與蝙蝠俠陷入衝突。貓女已略有不同,與蝙蝠俠比其他他流氓畫廊。她被吸引到蝙蝠俠和他的股票吸引力的回報。但是,法律分隔兩個事情。應當指出的是,雖然貓女和蝙蝠俠有相遇到,但始終也不可在一起。

蝙蝠俠# 1 , 1940年春季。

Selina Kyle has always had a thing for cats. She is a sophisticated, yet vengeful woman who is both as beautiful as she is deadly. Selina Kyle is a strong animal rights activist. However, as Catwoman she often takes matters into her own hands. This brings her into conflict with Batman. Catwoman has a somewhat different relationship with Batman than the rest of his rogues gallery. She is attracted to Batman and he shares that attraction in return. However, the law separates the two from anything more. It should be noted that while Catwoman and Batman have had their encounters, so have Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#1, Spring 1940.

The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch/瘋帽子)

技術和電子天才,Jervis Tetch實驗動物使用到控制芯片中存儲的帽子,以刺激腦電波。熱愛瘋帽子旋轉性質,他迷戀愛麗絲漫遊仙境混合秘書愛麗絲,造成傑維斯成為一個奇怪和痛苦的人。穿的幌子瘋狂帽,他試圖贏得Alice的感情,企圖讓她相信他是溫文爾雅和溫文爾雅。不幸的是她玩弄他的感情。她拒絕忿激派Tetch ,所以他使用了主意控制Microchip的武力愛麗絲做他的代價。在被抓獲的蝙蝠俠, Tetch指責他破壞了他的機會, Alice和發誓復仇的黑暗騎士。

Tetch是妄想性精神病將使用任何方法,他希望可以得到什麼。這瘋子用他的電腦知識和技術,以滿足他的犯罪慾望。他心裡控制芯片誘使受害者恍恍惚惚,任何一方提取信息從他們的頭腦,或使他們非常主觀做他的出價。該芯片還可以利用未使用的潛力,考慮到這可能會增加的主體力量和耐力,使它們成為最終的追隨者為Tetch 。他是流氓畫廊一個重要成員,偶爾與他人共謀摧毀蝙蝠俠和羅賓。

蝙蝠俠# 49 , 1948年10月。

A technical and electronic genius, Jervis Tetch experimented with animals using mind controlling microchips stored within hats to stimulate brain waves. A love for the Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland mixed with an infatuation for his secretary Alice caused Jervis to become an odd and bitter man. Donning the guise of The Mad Hatter, he tries to win Alice's affection by attempting to make her believe he is suave and debonair. Unfortunately she spurns his affections. Her rejection enrages Tetch, so he uses his mind controlling microchip's to force Alice to do his bidding. After being captured by Batman, Tetch blames him for ruining his chance of having Alice and swears revenge against the Dark Knight.

Tetch is a delusional psychotic who will use any methods to get what he wants. This madman uses his knowledge of computers and technology to satisfy his criminal desires. His mind controlling chip induces his victims into a trance which either extracts information from their minds or makes them highly subjective to doing his bidding. This chip can also tap into an unused potential of the mind which can increase the subjects strength and stamina, turning them into the ultimate henchmen for Tetch. He is a prominent member of the rogues gallery who occasionally conspires with the others to destroy Batman and Robin.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#49, October 1948.

Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)

出生在貧民窟內的沼澤地的佛羅里達州, Waylon Jones患上一種罕見的病變,得了他像皮膚一樣的爬行動物的能力。因被看作是一個棄嬰,他成了一個小偷,並放置在一個兒童院。在兒童院內,打死一名囚犯,只因取笑他的雙手外觀,並被判入獄。 18年後假釋出獄,他找到了工作,為專業運動員,並命名為“殺手鱷魚。 ”他偷走了摔跤子的錢,逃到街頭,成為城市的小偷集團主人, extortionist ,和殺人犯。雖然原始,沒有天才,鱷魚是蝙蝠俠最強大的敵人。經過無數次的逮捕,鱷魚被認為是精神錯亂,被判處的暴力不安病房內阿克翰庇護。

蝙蝠俠# 357 , 1983年3月。

Born in the slums within the everglades of Florida, Waylon Jones had a rare condition that gave him reptilian-like skin. Viewed as an outcast, he became a thief and was placed in a juvenile hall. In juvenile hall, Jones killed an inmate with his bare hands who made fun of his appearance and was sentenced to jail. Paroled after 18 years, he found work as a professional wrestler and took the name "Killer Croc." He stole the wrestling promoter's money, escaped to Gotham City and became a master thief, extortionist, and murderer. Although primitive and no genius, Croc is one of Batman's strongest enemies. After numerous arrests, Croc is deemed insane and sentenced to the violently disturbed ward within Arkham Asylum.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#357, March 1983.

BANE (巴尼)


復仇的終端用戶, 1992年

Shrouded in mystery, Bane appeared in Gotham City assigned to eliminate Batman for crime boss Rupert Thorne. Besides being a man of great physical size and power, Bane's strength is augmented by "Venom," a Super Steroid that increases his strength, physical size and durability for limited periods of time. It should be noted that Bane's strength is matched by his intelligence and cunning. He prefers to manipulate his target until they are most vulnerable, and then strike. After a short confrontation, Batman defeated Bane.

First Comic Book Appearance
Vengence of Bane, 1992

The Ventriloquist

阿諾德Wesker看起來像一個寧靜,和平,溫和有禮貌的老人,但在該公司的其他人,疤面煞星,他是一個無情的惡性犯罪。作為精神分裂症,疤面煞星是假誰是為了看起來像一個黑手黨類型的老闆與一個傷疤他右臉頰。疤面煞星是佔主導地位的個性,與Ventriloquist只能出現短暫,直到疤面煞星貶低他改變自我。經會議蝙蝠俠的Ventriloquist /疤面煞星設在阿克翰庇護。通過治療阿諾德一直試圖擺脫他心裡的疤面煞星,甚至採取了做一個危險性較低的木偶在“ Socko 。 ”不知何故,疤面煞星突破Ventriloquist的思想和力量阿諾德做他的出價。

偵探# 583 , 1988年2月

Arnold Wesker looks like a quiet, peaceful, mild mannered older man, but in the company of his other personality, ScarFace, he is a vicious ruthless criminal. As a schizophrenic, ScarFace is a dummy who is made to look like a mafia type boss with a scar on his right cheek. ScarFace is the dominant personality, with the Ventriloquist only able to emerge briefly, until ScarFace demeans his alter ego. Upon meeting with Batman, the Ventriloquist/ScarFace is housed in Arkham Asylum. Through therapy Arnold has tried to rid his mind of Scarface, going so far as to take up a less dangerous puppet in "Socko." Somehow, Scarface breaks through the Ventriloquist's mind and forces Arnold to do his bidding.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #583, February 1988

The ManBat (蝙蝠人)

科學家柯克Langstrom工作,動物學家在哥譚市動物園,嘗試蝙蝠mutigene建立血清複製生物的壽命長。經過測試後的血清對自己, Langstrom成為惡性ManBat 。雖然蝙蝠俠最終治愈Langstrom ,他的執著的力量ManBat迫使他採取血清一次又一次。弗朗辛, Langstrom的妻子和同事,不小心切斷了條子從一個玻璃小瓶,其中載有蝙蝠mutigene ,結果Langstrom的妻子也成為ManBat。

偵探# 400 , 1970年6月

Scientist Kirk Langstrom worked as a Zoologist at the Gotham City Zoo, experimenting with bat mutigene to create a serum to replicate the creatures' long life. After testing the serum on himself, Langstrom became the vicious ManBat. Though Batman eventually cured Langstrom, his obsession with the power of the ManBat compelled him to take the serum again and again. Francine, Langstrom's wife and colleague, was accidentally cut by a sliver of glass from a vial which contained the bat mutigene and also became a ManBat at one point.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #400, June 1970

The Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane/稻草人)

喬納森起重機有興趣研究的人的擔心和恐懼,因為他永遠是一個孩子。綽號“稻草人”作為一名少年,起重機欺負和批評,他骨瘦如柴的外觀。這些男童叫他Icabod起重機,他相似的虛構人物。起重機愛的性質,除非他的一部分時, Icabod是他的剋星丟臉。他被憤怒的恐懼壓倒Icabod並發誓永不暴露了他的擔心欺負。



世界上最好的漫畫# 3 , 1941年秋季。

Jonathan Crane was interested in the study of human fears and phobias ever since he was a child. Nicknamed the "Scarecrow" as a teenager, Crane was bullied and chastised for his scrawny appearance. The boys would call him Icabod Crane, for his resemblance to the fictional character. Crane loved the character, except when he came upon the part when Icabod is disgraced by his nemesis. He was outraged by the fear that overwhelmed Icabod and swore to never expose his fears to a bully.

Crane was a Professor of Psychology at Gotham State University until his experiments in fear became too dangerous. He lost his job due to his obsession with inspiring terror in his patients and students. Crane turned to a life of evil and used various drugs, chemicals, devices, and his expertise in psychology to terrify whomever crossed his path. He took the name "Scarecrow" which the bullies gave him as a boy, and would use it to become one of the most feared criminals in Gotham.

The Scarecrow has been known to pollute Gotham's water supply with his fear toxins, infect professional athletes with his chemicals, then bet against their teams for the money to fund his evil experiments. He even had one of his henchmen spray Batman with his toxin, in the hope of driving him mad with fear. A sick and twisted man, his ultimate goal of crippling Gotham State University was foiled by Batman. He was sentenced to Arkham Asylum where he became even more dangerous by gaining criminal contacts with the likes the Mad Hatter, who also shares a sick interest in various types of mind control. These contacts would aid him in his quest to bring Gotham and Batman to it's knees with fear.

First Comic Book Appearance
Worlds Finest Comics #3, Fall 1941.
