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Catwoman (貓女郎)

Selina Kyle 一直好像貓的東西。她是一個複雜,但復仇女人是美麗的,也是致命的。Selina Kyle是一個強維護力動物權利的活動家。然而,正如貓女她往往事項納入自己手中。這使她與蝙蝠俠陷入衝突。貓女已略有不同,與蝙蝠俠比其他他流氓畫廊。她被吸引到蝙蝠俠和他的股票吸引力的回報。但是,法律分隔兩個事情。應當指出的是,雖然貓女和蝙蝠俠有相遇到,但始終也不可在一起。

蝙蝠俠# 1 , 1940年春季。

Selina Kyle has always had a thing for cats. She is a sophisticated, yet vengeful woman who is both as beautiful as she is deadly. Selina Kyle is a strong animal rights activist. However, as Catwoman she often takes matters into her own hands. This brings her into conflict with Batman. Catwoman has a somewhat different relationship with Batman than the rest of his rogues gallery. She is attracted to Batman and he shares that attraction in return. However, the law separates the two from anything more. It should be noted that while Catwoman and Batman have had their encounters, so have Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#1, Spring 1940.


