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Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)

出生在貧民窟內的沼澤地的佛羅里達州, Waylon Jones患上一種罕見的病變,得了他像皮膚一樣的爬行動物的能力。因被看作是一個棄嬰,他成了一個小偷,並放置在一個兒童院。在兒童院內,打死一名囚犯,只因取笑他的雙手外觀,並被判入獄。 18年後假釋出獄,他找到了工作,為專業運動員,並命名為“殺手鱷魚。 ”他偷走了摔跤子的錢,逃到街頭,成為城市的小偷集團主人, extortionist ,和殺人犯。雖然原始,沒有天才,鱷魚是蝙蝠俠最強大的敵人。經過無數次的逮捕,鱷魚被認為是精神錯亂,被判處的暴力不安病房內阿克翰庇護。

蝙蝠俠# 357 , 1983年3月。

Born in the slums within the everglades of Florida, Waylon Jones had a rare condition that gave him reptilian-like skin. Viewed as an outcast, he became a thief and was placed in a juvenile hall. In juvenile hall, Jones killed an inmate with his bare hands who made fun of his appearance and was sentenced to jail. Paroled after 18 years, he found work as a professional wrestler and took the name "Killer Croc." He stole the wrestling promoter's money, escaped to Gotham City and became a master thief, extortionist, and murderer. Although primitive and no genius, Croc is one of Batman's strongest enemies. After numerous arrests, Croc is deemed insane and sentenced to the violently disturbed ward within Arkham Asylum.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#357, March 1983.


