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The ManBat (蝙蝠人)

科學家柯克Langstrom工作,動物學家在哥譚市動物園,嘗試蝙蝠mutigene建立血清複製生物的壽命長。經過測試後的血清對自己, Langstrom成為惡性ManBat 。雖然蝙蝠俠最終治愈Langstrom ,他的執著的力量ManBat迫使他採取血清一次又一次。弗朗辛, Langstrom的妻子和同事,不小心切斷了條子從一個玻璃小瓶,其中載有蝙蝠mutigene ,結果Langstrom的妻子也成為ManBat。

偵探# 400 , 1970年6月

Scientist Kirk Langstrom worked as a Zoologist at the Gotham City Zoo, experimenting with bat mutigene to create a serum to replicate the creatures' long life. After testing the serum on himself, Langstrom became the vicious ManBat. Though Batman eventually cured Langstrom, his obsession with the power of the ManBat compelled him to take the serum again and again. Francine, Langstrom's wife and colleague, was accidentally cut by a sliver of glass from a vial which contained the bat mutigene and also became a ManBat at one point.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #400, June 1970


