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The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch/瘋帽子)

技術和電子天才,Jervis Tetch實驗動物使用到控制芯片中存儲的帽子,以刺激腦電波。熱愛瘋帽子旋轉性質,他迷戀愛麗絲漫遊仙境混合秘書愛麗絲,造成傑維斯成為一個奇怪和痛苦的人。穿的幌子瘋狂帽,他試圖贏得Alice的感情,企圖讓她相信他是溫文爾雅和溫文爾雅。不幸的是她玩弄他的感情。她拒絕忿激派Tetch ,所以他使用了主意控制Microchip的武力愛麗絲做他的代價。在被抓獲的蝙蝠俠, Tetch指責他破壞了他的機會, Alice和發誓復仇的黑暗騎士。

Tetch是妄想性精神病將使用任何方法,他希望可以得到什麼。這瘋子用他的電腦知識和技術,以滿足他的犯罪慾望。他心裡控制芯片誘使受害者恍恍惚惚,任何一方提取信息從他們的頭腦,或使他們非常主觀做他的出價。該芯片還可以利用未使用的潛力,考慮到這可能會增加的主體力量和耐力,使它們成為最終的追隨者為Tetch 。他是流氓畫廊一個重要成員,偶爾與他人共謀摧毀蝙蝠俠和羅賓。

蝙蝠俠# 49 , 1948年10月。

A technical and electronic genius, Jervis Tetch experimented with animals using mind controlling microchips stored within hats to stimulate brain waves. A love for the Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland mixed with an infatuation for his secretary Alice caused Jervis to become an odd and bitter man. Donning the guise of The Mad Hatter, he tries to win Alice's affection by attempting to make her believe he is suave and debonair. Unfortunately she spurns his affections. Her rejection enrages Tetch, so he uses his mind controlling microchip's to force Alice to do his bidding. After being captured by Batman, Tetch blames him for ruining his chance of having Alice and swears revenge against the Dark Knight.

Tetch is a delusional psychotic who will use any methods to get what he wants. This madman uses his knowledge of computers and technology to satisfy his criminal desires. His mind controlling chip induces his victims into a trance which either extracts information from their minds or makes them highly subjective to doing his bidding. This chip can also tap into an unused potential of the mind which can increase the subjects strength and stamina, turning them into the ultimate henchmen for Tetch. He is a prominent member of the rogues gallery who occasionally conspires with the others to destroy Batman and Robin.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#49, October 1948.


