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The Ventriloquist

阿諾德Wesker看起來像一個寧靜,和平,溫和有禮貌的老人,但在該公司的其他人,疤面煞星,他是一個無情的惡性犯罪。作為精神分裂症,疤面煞星是假誰是為了看起來像一個黑手黨類型的老闆與一個傷疤他右臉頰。疤面煞星是佔主導地位的個性,與Ventriloquist只能出現短暫,直到疤面煞星貶低他改變自我。經會議蝙蝠俠的Ventriloquist /疤面煞星設在阿克翰庇護。通過治療阿諾德一直試圖擺脫他心裡的疤面煞星,甚至採取了做一個危險性較低的木偶在“ Socko 。 ”不知何故,疤面煞星突破Ventriloquist的思想和力量阿諾德做他的出價。

偵探# 583 , 1988年2月

Arnold Wesker looks like a quiet, peaceful, mild mannered older man, but in the company of his other personality, ScarFace, he is a vicious ruthless criminal. As a schizophrenic, ScarFace is a dummy who is made to look like a mafia type boss with a scar on his right cheek. ScarFace is the dominant personality, with the Ventriloquist only able to emerge briefly, until ScarFace demeans his alter ego. Upon meeting with Batman, the Ventriloquist/ScarFace is housed in Arkham Asylum. Through therapy Arnold has tried to rid his mind of Scarface, going so far as to take up a less dangerous puppet in "Socko." Somehow, Scarface breaks through the Ventriloquist's mind and forces Arnold to do his bidding.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #583, February 1988


