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Catwoman (貓女郎)

Selina Kyle 一直好像貓的東西。她是一個複雜,但復仇女人是美麗的,也是致命的。Selina Kyle是一個強維護力動物權利的活動家。然而,正如貓女她往往事項納入自己手中。這使她與蝙蝠俠陷入衝突。貓女已略有不同,與蝙蝠俠比其他他流氓畫廊。她被吸引到蝙蝠俠和他的股票吸引力的回報。但是,法律分隔兩個事情。應當指出的是,雖然貓女和蝙蝠俠有相遇到,但始終也不可在一起。

蝙蝠俠# 1 , 1940年春季。

Selina Kyle has always had a thing for cats. She is a sophisticated, yet vengeful woman who is both as beautiful as she is deadly. Selina Kyle is a strong animal rights activist. However, as Catwoman she often takes matters into her own hands. This brings her into conflict with Batman. Catwoman has a somewhat different relationship with Batman than the rest of his rogues gallery. She is attracted to Batman and he shares that attraction in return. However, the law separates the two from anything more. It should be noted that while Catwoman and Batman have had their encounters, so have Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#1, Spring 1940.

The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch/瘋帽子)

技術和電子天才,Jervis Tetch實驗動物使用到控制芯片中存儲的帽子,以刺激腦電波。熱愛瘋帽子旋轉性質,他迷戀愛麗絲漫遊仙境混合秘書愛麗絲,造成傑維斯成為一個奇怪和痛苦的人。穿的幌子瘋狂帽,他試圖贏得Alice的感情,企圖讓她相信他是溫文爾雅和溫文爾雅。不幸的是她玩弄他的感情。她拒絕忿激派Tetch ,所以他使用了主意控制Microchip的武力愛麗絲做他的代價。在被抓獲的蝙蝠俠, Tetch指責他破壞了他的機會, Alice和發誓復仇的黑暗騎士。

Tetch是妄想性精神病將使用任何方法,他希望可以得到什麼。這瘋子用他的電腦知識和技術,以滿足他的犯罪慾望。他心裡控制芯片誘使受害者恍恍惚惚,任何一方提取信息從他們的頭腦,或使他們非常主觀做他的出價。該芯片還可以利用未使用的潛力,考慮到這可能會增加的主體力量和耐力,使它們成為最終的追隨者為Tetch 。他是流氓畫廊一個重要成員,偶爾與他人共謀摧毀蝙蝠俠和羅賓。

蝙蝠俠# 49 , 1948年10月。

A technical and electronic genius, Jervis Tetch experimented with animals using mind controlling microchips stored within hats to stimulate brain waves. A love for the Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland mixed with an infatuation for his secretary Alice caused Jervis to become an odd and bitter man. Donning the guise of The Mad Hatter, he tries to win Alice's affection by attempting to make her believe he is suave and debonair. Unfortunately she spurns his affections. Her rejection enrages Tetch, so he uses his mind controlling microchip's to force Alice to do his bidding. After being captured by Batman, Tetch blames him for ruining his chance of having Alice and swears revenge against the Dark Knight.

Tetch is a delusional psychotic who will use any methods to get what he wants. This madman uses his knowledge of computers and technology to satisfy his criminal desires. His mind controlling chip induces his victims into a trance which either extracts information from their minds or makes them highly subjective to doing his bidding. This chip can also tap into an unused potential of the mind which can increase the subjects strength and stamina, turning them into the ultimate henchmen for Tetch. He is a prominent member of the rogues gallery who occasionally conspires with the others to destroy Batman and Robin.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#49, October 1948.

Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)

出生在貧民窟內的沼澤地的佛羅里達州, Waylon Jones患上一種罕見的病變,得了他像皮膚一樣的爬行動物的能力。因被看作是一個棄嬰,他成了一個小偷,並放置在一個兒童院。在兒童院內,打死一名囚犯,只因取笑他的雙手外觀,並被判入獄。 18年後假釋出獄,他找到了工作,為專業運動員,並命名為“殺手鱷魚。 ”他偷走了摔跤子的錢,逃到街頭,成為城市的小偷集團主人, extortionist ,和殺人犯。雖然原始,沒有天才,鱷魚是蝙蝠俠最強大的敵人。經過無數次的逮捕,鱷魚被認為是精神錯亂,被判處的暴力不安病房內阿克翰庇護。

蝙蝠俠# 357 , 1983年3月。

Born in the slums within the everglades of Florida, Waylon Jones had a rare condition that gave him reptilian-like skin. Viewed as an outcast, he became a thief and was placed in a juvenile hall. In juvenile hall, Jones killed an inmate with his bare hands who made fun of his appearance and was sentenced to jail. Paroled after 18 years, he found work as a professional wrestler and took the name "Killer Croc." He stole the wrestling promoter's money, escaped to Gotham City and became a master thief, extortionist, and murderer. Although primitive and no genius, Croc is one of Batman's strongest enemies. After numerous arrests, Croc is deemed insane and sentenced to the violently disturbed ward within Arkham Asylum.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#357, March 1983.

BANE (巴尼)


復仇的終端用戶, 1992年

Shrouded in mystery, Bane appeared in Gotham City assigned to eliminate Batman for crime boss Rupert Thorne. Besides being a man of great physical size and power, Bane's strength is augmented by "Venom," a Super Steroid that increases his strength, physical size and durability for limited periods of time. It should be noted that Bane's strength is matched by his intelligence and cunning. He prefers to manipulate his target until they are most vulnerable, and then strike. After a short confrontation, Batman defeated Bane.

First Comic Book Appearance
Vengence of Bane, 1992

The Ventriloquist

阿諾德Wesker看起來像一個寧靜,和平,溫和有禮貌的老人,但在該公司的其他人,疤面煞星,他是一個無情的惡性犯罪。作為精神分裂症,疤面煞星是假誰是為了看起來像一個黑手黨類型的老闆與一個傷疤他右臉頰。疤面煞星是佔主導地位的個性,與Ventriloquist只能出現短暫,直到疤面煞星貶低他改變自我。經會議蝙蝠俠的Ventriloquist /疤面煞星設在阿克翰庇護。通過治療阿諾德一直試圖擺脫他心裡的疤面煞星,甚至採取了做一個危險性較低的木偶在“ Socko 。 ”不知何故,疤面煞星突破Ventriloquist的思想和力量阿諾德做他的出價。

偵探# 583 , 1988年2月

Arnold Wesker looks like a quiet, peaceful, mild mannered older man, but in the company of his other personality, ScarFace, he is a vicious ruthless criminal. As a schizophrenic, ScarFace is a dummy who is made to look like a mafia type boss with a scar on his right cheek. ScarFace is the dominant personality, with the Ventriloquist only able to emerge briefly, until ScarFace demeans his alter ego. Upon meeting with Batman, the Ventriloquist/ScarFace is housed in Arkham Asylum. Through therapy Arnold has tried to rid his mind of Scarface, going so far as to take up a less dangerous puppet in "Socko." Somehow, Scarface breaks through the Ventriloquist's mind and forces Arnold to do his bidding.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #583, February 1988

The ManBat (蝙蝠人)

科學家柯克Langstrom工作,動物學家在哥譚市動物園,嘗試蝙蝠mutigene建立血清複製生物的壽命長。經過測試後的血清對自己, Langstrom成為惡性ManBat 。雖然蝙蝠俠最終治愈Langstrom ,他的執著的力量ManBat迫使他採取血清一次又一次。弗朗辛, Langstrom的妻子和同事,不小心切斷了條子從一個玻璃小瓶,其中載有蝙蝠mutigene ,結果Langstrom的妻子也成為ManBat。

偵探# 400 , 1970年6月

Scientist Kirk Langstrom worked as a Zoologist at the Gotham City Zoo, experimenting with bat mutigene to create a serum to replicate the creatures' long life. After testing the serum on himself, Langstrom became the vicious ManBat. Though Batman eventually cured Langstrom, his obsession with the power of the ManBat compelled him to take the serum again and again. Francine, Langstrom's wife and colleague, was accidentally cut by a sliver of glass from a vial which contained the bat mutigene and also became a ManBat at one point.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #400, June 1970

The Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane/稻草人)

喬納森起重機有興趣研究的人的擔心和恐懼,因為他永遠是一個孩子。綽號“稻草人”作為一名少年,起重機欺負和批評,他骨瘦如柴的外觀。這些男童叫他Icabod起重機,他相似的虛構人物。起重機愛的性質,除非他的一部分時, Icabod是他的剋星丟臉。他被憤怒的恐懼壓倒Icabod並發誓永不暴露了他的擔心欺負。



世界上最好的漫畫# 3 , 1941年秋季。

Jonathan Crane was interested in the study of human fears and phobias ever since he was a child. Nicknamed the "Scarecrow" as a teenager, Crane was bullied and chastised for his scrawny appearance. The boys would call him Icabod Crane, for his resemblance to the fictional character. Crane loved the character, except when he came upon the part when Icabod is disgraced by his nemesis. He was outraged by the fear that overwhelmed Icabod and swore to never expose his fears to a bully.

Crane was a Professor of Psychology at Gotham State University until his experiments in fear became too dangerous. He lost his job due to his obsession with inspiring terror in his patients and students. Crane turned to a life of evil and used various drugs, chemicals, devices, and his expertise in psychology to terrify whomever crossed his path. He took the name "Scarecrow" which the bullies gave him as a boy, and would use it to become one of the most feared criminals in Gotham.

The Scarecrow has been known to pollute Gotham's water supply with his fear toxins, infect professional athletes with his chemicals, then bet against their teams for the money to fund his evil experiments. He even had one of his henchmen spray Batman with his toxin, in the hope of driving him mad with fear. A sick and twisted man, his ultimate goal of crippling Gotham State University was foiled by Batman. He was sentenced to Arkham Asylum where he became even more dangerous by gaining criminal contacts with the likes the Mad Hatter, who also shares a sick interest in various types of mind control. These contacts would aid him in his quest to bring Gotham and Batman to it's knees with fear.

First Comic Book Appearance
Worlds Finest Comics #3, Fall 1941.

Ra's Al Ghul and Talia

米勒赫古爾是最神秘的蝙蝠俠和狡猾的敵人。他並不贊同的刑事責任瘋狂組流氓畫廊。米勒赫古爾是刑事像沒有其他。沒有人確切知道他出生時,但他聲稱已存活了600多年。他的名字翻譯的意思是“惡魔的頭。 ”

角頭一個世界性的犯罪組織,其任務是淨化受污染的地球,並恢復性質的自治領簡略的人類,最終創造一個更美好的世界,他將統治。他將使用一切必要的手段和力量,以實現其瘋狂邪惡的夢想一個新的烏托邦社會。角始終伴隨著他的忠實的保鏢, Ubu 。他的瘋狂來自於獨特的電源保持身體的外觀,拉撒路坑。這是一個未知的實質內容補充身體,像一個噴泉的青年。但是一側影響法術純粹是瘋狂。正沉迷於這種物質只要有幹有一絲一毫的道德和價值觀米勒赫古爾。他認為自己是上述任何預設法律是由人類。他有眾多的追隨者,並領導一個邪教組織一樣充滿男子誰將盡他的出價。他是極其危險的和狡猾。

他有興趣蝙蝠俠他認為可能會引起的拉撒路窖影響正在減少。嶺的感覺,他需要一個男性成為他的繼任者。由於他的後代只能是他的女兒塔利亞,他必須選擇一個男性娶她認為是值得成為統治者,他龐大的帝國。角,以證明他的足智多謀的會議蝙蝠俠的“偵探” ,他叫他,用他自己的Batcave證實,他知道他的秘密。經執行許多試驗證明是否蝙蝠俠值得成為他的繼任角知道他立即發現了一個。但蝙蝠俠拒絕無數次,從而角認為,因為他將不會與他,他們必須對彼此的敵人。他是非常講究,可以相當催眠。嶺的多次返回後,蝙蝠俠的敵人認為已經死去了。

蝙蝠俠# 232 , 1971年6月。

Ra's Al Ghul is the single most mysterious and cunning of Batman's foes. He does not associate with the criminally insane group of the rogues gallery. Ra's Al Ghul is a criminal like no other. No one knows exactly when he was born, but he claims to have been alive for over 600 years. His name translated means "The Demon's Head."

Ra's heads a worldwide criminal organization, whose mission is to purify a polluted planet, and restore nature to the dominion abridged by the human race, ultimately creating a better world where he would rule. He will use whatever means and force necessary to achieve his twisted vision of a new utopian society. Ra's is always accompanied by his faithful bodyguard, Ubu. His madness originates in the unique power source which maintains his body's appearance, The Lazarus Pit. It is a substance of unknown elements which replenishes the body, like a fountain of youth. The side affects however are spells of sheer madness. Being addicted to this substance for so long has dried any bit of morals and values for Ra's Al Ghul. He views himself as above any preset laws which are governed by mankind. He has many followers, and heads a cult like organization filled with men who will do his bidding. He is extremely dangerous and cunning.

His interest in Batman arose when he felt the Lazarus Pits affect was dwindling. Ra's feels he needs a male to be his successor. Since his only offspring is his daughter Talia, he has to choose a male to marry her that is worthy of becoming ruler of his vast empire. Ra's proves his resourcefulness to Batman by meeting the "Detective" as he calls him, in his own Batcave confirming that he knows his secret. Upon implementing many tests to prove whether Batman was worthy of becoming his successor, Ra's knew immediately he had found the one. But Batman refused numerous times, and thus Ra's believes that since he will not be with him, they must be against each other, as enemies. He is highly sophisticated and can be quite hypnotic. Ra's has returned many times after Batman thinks has foe had perished.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman #232, June 1971.


偵探# 411 , 1971年5月。

Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, it can be truly said that Talia is as mysterious as her father. Talia has devoted her life to aiding her fathers crusade to purify the planet. She finds herself completely in love with Batman, and unlike Batman's other admirers, she cares for him both he and Bruce Wayne. This poses a great dilemma to Talia, as Batman defies everything Ra's Al Ghul stands for, and has sworn to fight his global terrorism. Part of Talia's lack of loyalty toward her father can be attributed to the fact that he admittedly does not treat her with the same respect that he would if he had a son. To Ra's Al Ghul only a son is worthy of succeeding him and leading his organization. With all that aside Talia still finds herself drawn to her father, and many times has betrayed her beloved Batman in order to aid her father.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #411, May 1971.

Clayface (Matt Hagen/皮膚人)

馬特哈根是一位著名的電影演員。嚴重毀容的汽車事故中,他被送往世界街頭燒傷診所。在診所哈根接觸,羅蘭達格特,扭曲商人尋找測試科目為他的“神奇產品” RenuYou 。達格特承諾產品可以恢復哈根的功能相比,在幾分鐘內,以多年的整形外科手術,他將不得不忍受。唯一的問題是,這種藥物是不是美國食品藥品管理局批准和高度上癮。作為交換條件的產品,達格特被迫哈根犯下的罪行。當哈根最後拒絕做任何更多的達格特的骯髒的工作,提供RenuYou被切斷。瘋狂的藥物,哈根闖入RenuYou植物他達格特的追隨者澆加侖的有毒化學物質的考驗下跌哈根的喉嚨。

不是死於過量,化學浸泡每個細胞在哈根的身體,把他變成了一個可怕的人的粘土。一個憤怒的哈根發誓要摧毀羅蘭達格特。哈根什麼都沒有意識到的是,他的新的蜂窩結構使他能夠改變自己的形狀和外觀。他可以成為什麼,他希望僅僅思考一下它。作為一個有生命力的shapeshifter ,他成為邪惡Clayface 。作為一個蝙蝠俠的最離奇的和困難的罪犯來處理,它非常措施逮捕Clayface 。當發現,他被認為是精神錯亂和特殊訴訟的目的是要求他在阿克翰庇護(儘管他被認為已經死亡的插曲“泥石流” ) 。

偵探# 40 , 1940年6月。

Matt Hagen was a well-known movie actor. Badly disfigured in an automobile accident, he was rushed to the Gotham burn clinic. At the clinic Hagen was approached by Roland Daggett, a crooked businessman looking for test subjects for his "miracle product" RenuYou. Daggett promised the product could restore Hagen's features within minutes as compared to the years of plastic surgery he would have to endure. The only problem was that this drug was not FDA approved and highly addictive. In exchange for the product, Daggett forced Hagen to commit crimes. When Hagen finally refused to do any more of Daggett's dirty work, the supply of RenuYou was cut off. Crazed for the drug, Hagan broke into the RenuYou plant where he Daggett's henchmen poured gallons of the untested toxic chemical down Hagen's throat.

Instead of dying from an overdose, the chemical soaked every cell in Hagen's body, transforming him into a hideous man of clay. An enraged Hagen vowed to destroy Roland Daggett. What Hagen did not realize was that his new cellular structure allowed him to change his shape and appearance. He could form anything he wanted just by thinking it. As a living shapeshifter, he became the evil Clayface. As one of Batman's most bizarre and difficult criminals to handle, it takes great measures to apprehend Clayface. When caught, he was deemed insane and a special suit was designed to hold him in Arkham Asylum (Although he was believed to have died in the episode "Mudslide").

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #40, June 1940.

