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Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (芭芭拉戈登/蝙蝠女)

芭芭拉戈登,警察專員詹姆斯戈登的女兒,是一個參加世界街頭州立大學大學生。當兩個人臉樹立她的父親對受賄罪從魯珀特斯索恩,芭芭拉enlists的幫助下,蝙蝠俠出現在一個公共集會的專員。當蝙蝠俠駁回的想法作出了“公開露面”芭芭拉考慮事項納入了自己的手-芭芭拉戈登服裝蝙蝠服裝和參加集會自己!當羅賓景點的騙子,他追逐她。抓住後,她的整流罩,他發現她火紅的頭髮,因此“ Batgirl ”誕生了。她的體操能力和創新的偵查工作,她獲得尊重,蝙蝠俠和羅賓。芭芭拉是相似的年齡,羅賓,雙方共用一個調情的關係。

偵探# 359 , 1967年1月。

Barbara Gordon, daughter of police Commissioner James Gordon, is a college student attending Gotham State University. When Two Face sets up her father for taking bribes from Rupert Thorne, Barbara enlists the help of Batman to appear at a public rally for the Commissioner. When Batman dismisses the idea of making a "public appearance" Barbara takes matters into her own hands -- Barbara Gordon dresses in a Bat costume and attends the rally herself! When Robin spots the impostor, he chases after her. Grabbing the back of her cowl, he reveals her fiery red hair and thus "Batgirl" was born. With her gymnastic ability and innovative detective work she gains the respect of Batman and Robin. Barbara is similar in age to Robin, and the two share a flirtatious relationship.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #359, January 1967.


