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"The Riddler." (瞇妖/Edward Nygma)

Edward Nygma是計算機和電子天才!自童年以著迷難題和謎語。他非常聰明,但有點奇怪。 他在學校和作弊也要優於他的同學。 Nygma的痴迷和熱愛犯下使他成為“瞇妖” 。愛德華的轉變讓他失去了所有的現實感。他將成為結束了在邪惡和犯罪行為。他需要真正的表示迷妖的身份,真正的愛德華Nygma ,反過來自己完全分離的任何正常狀態,他曾經有過。迷妖使用了大量的計算機和電子小玩意在阿森納,但最著名的致命利用他的“ ? ”雨傘。這是他的商標。當他的計劃是最終挫敗蝙蝠俠,迷妖的仇恨變成了痴迷欺騙,並最終摧毀蝙蝠俠。他的仇恨是刺激了令人驚訝的智力蝙蝠俠擁有,從而導致batman要解決愛德華謎語。他扭曲的心靈是只關心創造的最終謎有關的犯罪,其中...要永遠解決蝙蝠俠。

偵探# 140 , 1948年10月。

Edward Nygma was a computer and electronics genius who was fascinated with puzzles and riddles since childhood. Extremely intelligent and a bit odd., he would cheat at school and feel superior to his classmates. Nygma's obsession and love for committing crimes lead him to don the guise of "The Riddler." Edward's transformation allows him to lose all sense of reality. He becomes completely wrapped up in the evil and criminal behavior which is warping his mind. He needs to be the Riddler to truly express the real Edward Nygma, in turn completely separating himself from any normalcy he once had. The Riddler uses a vast array of computer and electronic gizmos in his arsenal, but is best known for the lethal use of his "?" cane. It is his trademark. When his plans are ultimately foiled by Batman, The Riddler's hatred turns to an obsession to outwit and ultimately destroy Batman. His hatred is fueled by the surprising intellect Batman posses, which leads to his solving of Edward's riddles. His twisted mind is only concerned with creating the ultimate riddle related crime, which Batman can never solve.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #140, October 1948.

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