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美國英雄漫畫人物介紹 TOP 10


要數經典美國漫畫人物,首推Superman(超人)為最佳人選,原因在於由1938年到現在,Superman都是深受歡迎。Action Comics (1938)第一集封面已經顯示Superman的強大力量:徒手舉起一架車,還有他的超級視力、聽覺、快過子彈的速度、差不多防彈的身軀都令無數漫畫迷所注目。而這個近乎完美的漫畫人物就啟發了不少後期的英雄人物,好像Spiderman和Wolverine的創作靈感都系來自Superman。千萬不要以為Superman年紀老、輩份高就好out date,現在Superman還是JLA眾義堂的領袖,幾十年都屹立不倒,正是美國漫畫的殿堂級人物。

The United States to a number of classic cartoon characters, the most important Superman as the best candidate, because by 1938 to the present, Superman is most welcome. Action Comics (1938) The first one shows the cover of Superman has been a powerful force: a car hand raised, as well as his super-vision, hearing, faster than the speed of bullets, bullet-proof body almost all the attention by countless comic fans. This near-perfect comic inspired a lot of characters on the late hero, like Spiderman and Wolverine are all creative inspiration from Superman. Superman should not think that old age, longer high enough out date, now Superman or JLA together the leaders of public justice, for decades have survived, it is the temple of the United States comic book character class.



Batman至今已經有六十幾年歷史,在1939年一本叫「Detective Comics」的書裡面,Batman首度亮相,起初他與惡人交手曾經試過開槍殺人,但後來變成一個絕不殺生的的正義之士。同期好多漫畫都是講一些超自然力量,而Batman漫畫就將超能力同偵探結合,利用智慧、科技去對付敵人,這就是Batman成為經典的原因。連香港漫畫家邱褔龍都說要創造一個好像Batman的東方英雄人物,結果就創作了「龍神」這個似足Batman的角色。

In addition to the classic American comic book character Superman, another Hall of class must be on the Batman character Batman. Batman stronger in the global limelight, may be affected by a larger extent, Hollywood film adaptation of the impact of Batman comics, Batman can be said to be a lot of young people's idol.

Batman and has 60 years of history, in 1939 called a "Detective Comics" of the book, Batman first appeared, at first he had tried to deal with the wicked shot to kill, but by no means become a killing of righteous people. Comics are a lot of talk over the same period a number of supernatural forces, and the Batman comic books on the super ability to combine with the detective, the use of wisdom, science and technology to deal with the enemy, and this is the reason Batman has become a classic. Even the Hong Kong Yau Fu-long cartoonist that Batman seems to create a hero of the East, the results on the creation of the "Dragonman" This seems adequate for the role of Batman.


蜘蛛俠是一個擁有神秘力量的英雄人物,但是他亦要面對好多普通人要面對的問題,好像畢業、舉行婚禮等。而蜘蛛俠本身都好想做一個平凡人,不斷努力地去平均超能力同普通人的生活。Spiderman還有一個番外史就是除了他是Marvel Comics的王牌漫畫外,他亦曾經被喻為最受歡迎美國漫畫人物。

Comics in the United States have been extraordinary strength, Spiderman to be eligible for the top ten reasons for its most user-friendly enough.
Spider-Man is a hero of a mysterious force, but he must also face up to a lot of the problems faced by ordinary people, like graduation, wedding and so on. Spider-Man is good in itself but an ordinary person wants to keep up the efforts in the average ability to life with ordinary people. External history Spiderman is a Marvel Comics In addition he is the trump card cartoons, he also has been hailed as the most popular U.S. cartoon characters.


能夠在男性主道的美國漫畫世界裡面打響名堂,已經是不可輕視的人物,神力女超人Wonderwoman就是其中的成功者。 論資歷Wonderwoman毫不示弱,早在1941年已經面世,當時得到好多女性讀者所歡迎。而神奇女俠漫畫亦帶起神話故事的熱潮,打破一貫邏輯、科學的橋段。最近故事內容還將不同神話故事做一個大結合,非常有創意!

Main Road, in the male world of the United States which started making comics have the characters should not be ignored, Wonderwoman is one of the winners. Wonderwoman without a sign of weakness on the qualifications, as early as we have published in 1941, when many women have been welcomed by readers. Woman comics and magical fairy tale has brought the fever to break the usual logic, the plot of science. Recently, a different story is the story content will also be a great combination, very creative!

絕世奸角Dr. Doom

相信Dr. Doom這個名字好多人都未必會知道。但是Dr. Doom絕對有資格做美國經典漫畫人物,因為他是「Marvel Comics」第一本漫畫的奸角。而圍繞Dr. Doom的故事是結合了巫術與科學,非常有創意。
另外,Dr. Doom可以說是美國漫畫裡面的一等一高手,就連Superman同一眾強者都不是他的對手。Dr. Doom能夠穿越時空、反愛因斯坦定律、自動調節大氣同溫度、將二氧化碳化成氧氣在太空生存、擁有核子加微型電腦盔甲等,根本無人夠佢打!最重要的是Dr. Doom在1999年年尾已成焦點出書做主角,延續他的經典。

I believe Dr. Doom is the name that many people may not know. However, Dr. Doom is eminently qualified to do the classic U.S. cartoon characters, because he is a "Marvel Comics" The first comic angle of rape. And around the Dr. Doom's story is a combination of sorcery and science, very creative.
In addition, Dr. Doom comic books can be said to be inside the United States a first-class players, even Superman is not the same people his strong opponent. Dr. Doom through time and space to anti-Einstein law, air-conditioning with automatic temperature and carbon dioxide into oxygen to survive in space with a nuclear increase of micro-computers, such as armor, enough drainage to fight no one! The most important thing is Dr. Doom at the end of 1999 has become the focus of the book the protagonist, the continuation of his classics.



Why Flash can be selected? Flash is a comic book because the very existence of the turning point in the United States. At that time, the beginning of the fifties comic by the same scientific lines are not ideal reactive painting, the United States has entered a period of dark comic period. Until the second generation of the emergence of Dwyane, was able to revive the comic book industry, it naturally can not be ten people there is no classic Flash.
Flash was the explosion of the popular red, most notable is that he has the speed of light, "the ultimate speed", streamlined uniforms, and Add it to narrow the specially designed ring, which led to the development of the United States comic books.


再生俠Spawn這個人物上過大銀幕,Spawn成為經典全因為主筆Todd McFariane有料到,明星效應令Spawn的銷量一直站在頂峰,直逼老牌美國漫畫公司Marvel同DC Comics。原來Todd McFariane以前在這兩大漫畫公司操筆,製作Spiderman同Batman時已經紅透半邊天,首席主筆地位無可動搖。後來創作出死而復生的Spawn,畫功細膩兼帶點邪氣更創畫壇另一高峰。明星主筆加鬼魅人物,經典度火速提升。

Spawn of the characters on the screen is too large, Spawn has become a classic because we have thought Todd McFariane writer, star effect of the Spawn has been at the peak of sales, almost a veteran with the U.S. Marvel Comics DC Comics. Todd McFariane before the original two comic companies in this exercise pens, produced when Spiderman and Batman Hongtoushan half of the sky, the Chief editor-in-chief status can not be shaken. Later, come back from the dead to create the Spawn, painting Zhigong more delicate and a bit evil painting heights. Star editor-in-chief plus ghosts who rushed to upgrade classical degrees.

Wolverine (狼人)

X-men漫畫在國內不乏捧場客,其中Wolverine這個角色一定有不少擁護者。而且Wolverine在X-men裡面,是最有作戰經驗的人物。Wolverine人氣度高,又是「Marvel Comics」創作的多個人物裡面,最商業化的一個。而異變人這個概念Wolverine神秘莫測的身份最令人好奇,使他在十大之中站有一席位。

X-men comic books at home there is no lack of clientele, including the role of Wolverine must have a lot of advocates. Wolverine and the X-men in there, are the most combat experience of the characters. Wolverine highly popular and a "Marvel Comics" created a number of people inside, one of the most commercial. The mutation and the concept of people Wolverine's mysterious identity of the most curious of his ten points in a seat.

生命主宰Professor X (X教授)

Professor X是X-men裡面的重要一員,缺少了Professor X,Mutant異變人的故事以至整個X-men漫畫就不會出現。他的影響甚至嚴重到牽連其他美國漫畫的英雄人物,因為Professor X的理想是令異變人同人類並存,如果Professor X不存在或了,異變人就會不受控,眾強者亦會被消滅。其中美國有本漫畫就主要講述這個情節,可見Professor X的影響有幾大。單看這一點,Professor X已經可以入十大。

Professor X is X-men inside one of the important, the lack of a Professor X, Mutant mutation who's story as a whole X-men comic books will not appear. Serious and even his influence to have ramifications for other U.S. comic book hero, because Professor X's vision is to make human coexistence with the mutation and who, if Professor X does not exist or has been, would not be controlled for mutation, the public will be strong eradication. Which the United States focuses on the cartoons on this plot, we can see the impact of Professor X has several. Just look at this point, Professor X can enter the top ten.


浩克(The Hulk),本名布魯斯班納(Bruce Banner),是出現在「Marvel Comics」出版物中的反英雄虛構人物。浩克由史丹李(Stan Lee)與捷克科比(Jack Kirby)所創造,首次出現於《不可思議的浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)第一部第一期(1962年二月);從此成為「Marvel Comics」旗下最受歡迎的人物之一。

(The Hulk), whose real name is (Bruce Banner), has been seen in the "Marvel Comics" publications in the fictional character of the anti-hero. G-ho by the (Stan Lee) and (Jack Kirby) created the first time in (The Incredible Hulk) the first phase of the first (February 1962); then become a "Marvel Comics" its most popular figures in the 1.


