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The Joker (小丑)

旁邊沒有人知道關於蝙蝠俠的最大敵人,但他作為一個執法者/殺手的各種犯罪老闆面前成為“小丑王子的罪行。 ”首先遇到的小丑蝙蝠俠在拙劣搶劫王牌化工廠。他逃脫了跨越到排水增值稅的化學廢物,但後來發現他的皮膚毒素漂白粉筆白,他的頭髮染成綠色熒光,並延伸到他的嘴唇一個可怕的,永久的紅笑著。這也就不難理解,為什麼這種轉變終結他已經不穩定銘記。

在小丑的方法很簡單:增益高興地打破每一項法律和道義上的地位的人知道。更重要的是,他使犯罪有趣的玩遊戲的貓捉老鼠的蝙蝠俠。每一個小丑的看法犯罪,造成的痛苦,和謀殺的最終笑話-嘲弄蝙蝠俠。小丑的商標是他玩撲克牌和邪氣笑容 ,一種化學物質,感染他的受害者,,會出現同樣他自己可怕的笑容。


蝙蝠俠# 1 , 1940年春季。

Next to nothing is known about Batman's greatest enemy, except that he operated as an enforcer/hitman for various crime bosses before becoming the "Clown Prince of Crime." The Joker first encountered Batman during a botched robbery at the Ace Chemical Factory. He escaped by leaping into a drainage vat of chemical waste, but later discovered the toxins bleached his skin chalk white, dyed his hair fluorescent green, and stretched his lips into a hideous, permanent red grin. It's not hard to understand why such a transformation snapped his already unstable mind.

The Joker's methods are simple: gain pleasure in breaking every law and moral stature known to man. More importantly, he makes the crime funnier by playing a game of cat and mouse with Batman. Joker views every crime, infliction of pain, and murder as the ultimate joke -- mocking Batman. Joker's trademarks are his razor sharp playing cards and the laughing gas Smilex, a chemical that infects his victims with the same ghastly grin as his own.

Extremely intelligent despite his lunacy, the Joker often accesses information within Gotham City that should only be available to government officials and the police. His only real motive is bringing Batman as close to the edge as possible. Joker strives to outdo Gotham's other villains as well, for if they have the honor of doing Batman in then he has no purpose. To The Joker Gotham is merely a stage on which he performs.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#1, Spring 1940.


