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Mr.Freeze (凍結先生/Dr.Victor)

Dr.Victor是Gothcorp最傑出的科學家和低溫研究人員,但是他無法治愈他的妻子諾拉的一種致命的疾病。他的研究,Gothcorp官僚最終切斷他的低溫實驗,建立一個超低溫冷凍室容納他的妻子,直到治愈可以找到被打斷的摩天波義耳,首席執行官的Gothcorp ,和他的警衛。隨後的鬥爭,伴隨著爆炸。在爆炸中, Dr.Fries被砸碎,他的低溫冷凍箱。事故浸泡博士薯條的整個機構,凍結解決方案,並作出了他無法生存之外的零度以下環境。他發誓報復那些誰委屈了他。他被迫創建一個真空嚴密適合他的體溫保持在50攝氏度到零度以下。該訴訟的控制論處理器三倍他的力量。在建設一個激光驅動冷槍,凍結先生出生。

仇恨的驅使下破壞他的生活和maddened他的條件,他奉行的是生活的犯罪和報復摧毀摩天波義耳和癱瘓Gothcorp 。他的計劃是停止蝙蝠俠。 Mr.Freeze成為執意破壞蝙蝠俠,因為他阻止他的任務進行報復。他是一個安靜的,但危險的對手。 Mr.Freeze是一個憤怒和悲痛的人,誰是被判處阿克翰庇護時逮捕。一個特殊細胞是為了維持自己的需要冷凍環境。他是單獨和他唯一的動機來自他妻子的音樂盒,他認為他的最後一塊的幸福,他曾經有過。他被看作是一個獨來獨往的流氓畫廊,一般不舉行聯盟的任何其他犯人的阿克翰。蝙蝠俠知道他是一個危險的對手,而且創傷,都發生在Mr.Freeze的生活的傷痕永遠不會癒合。

蝙蝠俠# 121 , 1959年2月。

Dr.Victor Fries was one of Gothcorp's most brilliant scientists and cryogenic researchers, however he was unable to cure his wife Nora of a deadly disease. His research in cryogenics was eventually cut off by the bureaucrats at Gothcorp. His experiment to create a cryogenic freezing chamber to house his wife until a cure could be found was interrupted by Ferris Boyle, C.E.O. of Gothcorp, and his security guards. A fight ensued, accompanied by an explosion. In the explosion, Dr.Fries was smashed into his cryogenic freezing tanks. The accident soaked Dr. Fries's entire body with the freezing solution and rendered him unable to survive outside of a sub-zero environment. He vowed revenge on those who had wronged him. He was forced to create a vacuum tight suit which maintained his body temperature at 50 degrees below zero. The suit's cybernetic processor also tripled his strength. After building a laser-powered cold gun, Mr. Freeze was born.

Driven by hatred over the destruction of his life and maddened by his condition he pursues a life of crime and vengeance by destroying Ferris Boyle and crippling Gothcorp. His plans are stopped by Batman. Mr.Freeze becomes bent on destroying Batman since he blocked his mission for revenge. He is a quiet, but dangerous adversary. Mr.Freeze is an angry and saddened man, who is sentenced to Arkham Asylum when apprehended. A special cell is designed to maintain his need for a frozen environment. He is alone and his only motivation comes from his wife's music box, which he holds as his last piece of the happiness he once had. He is viewed as an loner by the rogues gallery, and generally does not hold alliances with any of the other inmates of Arkham. Batman knows he is a dangerous adversary, and that the traumas that have occurred in Mr.Freeze's life are scars which will never heal.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman#121, February 1959.


