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Batman (蝙蝠俠)



蝙蝠俠(Batman),是在1939年5月美國《偵探漫畫》第27期中誕生的一個虛擬人物,由包柏·肯恩(Bob Kane)與比爾·芬捷(Bill Finger)共同創造(但是只有肯恩獲得官方著名為作者),是個伸張正義打擊犯罪的超級英雄。雖然一開始蝙蝠俠只是數個同時被創造出來的虛擬角色之一,但後來他成了其他連載漫畫中超級英雄的領袖人物。蝙蝠俠的真實身分是布魯斯·韋恩(Bruce Wayne),是一位富有的企業家、花花公子、與慈善家;布魯斯在兒時親眼目睹了父母被謀殺,讓他立志鍛煉肉體與心智,並穿上以蝙蝠為靈感來源的服裝打擊犯罪。蝙蝠俠跟超人是偵探漫畫中最廣為人知也最受歡迎的兩個角色,並被多次拍成電影。
蝙蝠俠在一推出就是一個極為受歡迎的角色,後來並有屬於自己的同名漫畫系列,《蝙蝠俠》(Batman)。隨著時間的演進,對蝙蝠俠這個角色的各種不同詮釋也紛紛出現。1960年代後期的蝙蝠俠電視影集採用了誇張滑稽的美學處理方式,結果在影集結束後的數十年間仍讓蝙蝠俠脫離不了影集中的形象。1986年法蘭克·米勒(Frank Miller)的短篇漫畫集《蝙蝠俠:黑騎士歸來》(Batman: The Dark Knight Return)與1989年提姆·波頓(Tim Burton)的蝙蝠俠電影的成功,讓蝙蝠俠回到了他原本誨暗的基調。蝙蝠俠是一個文化符號,曾被改編呈現於數種媒體中,包括廣播、電視、電影;更出現在各式各樣的商品上行銷於全世界。

(Batman), is in the United States in May 1939, "Detective Comics" No. 27 during the birth of a virtual character, from (Bob Kane) and (Bill Finger) to create (but only Ken was the official well-known author), is a justice of the super-hero fighting crime. Although only a few months to start at the same time Batman was created by one of the virtual characters, but later he became the other superheroes in the comic book series leaders. Batman is the true identity (Bruce Wayne), is a wealthy entrepreneur, playboy, and philanthropist; Bruce in childhood witnessed the murder of their parents, so that he determined to physical and mental exercise, and put to source of inspiration for a bat costume for the fight against crime. Batman is a detective with the Superman comics are the most well-known two of the most popular role, and made into a movie several times.
Batman is introduced in a role of an extremely popular, and later his own comic book series of the same name, (Batman). As time evolved, the role of Batman in a variety of different interpretations have emerged. The late 1960s Batman television series of the use of comic exaggeration of the aesthetic approach, the results in the series after the end of decades still can not let Batman series from the image. 1986 (Frank Miller) of the short comic book "Batman: The Dark Knight Return" (Batman: The Dark Knight Return) and 1989 (Tim Burton) The success of the Batman movies, so he returned to the original Batman and violence in the dark tone. Batman is a cultural symbol, have been adapted in a number of media, including radio, television, film; more appear in a wide range of goods on the market in the world.


