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Iron Man(鋼鐵奇俠)

《鋼鐵奇俠》(Iron Man)

《鋼鐵奇俠》(Iron Man)是由莊·法來奧導演,基於驚奇漫畫(Marvel Comics)中科幻超級英雄鋼鐵人的動作電影。由小勞勃·道尼、葛妮絲·派特洛主演。

美國工業家及發明家東尼史塔克(Tony Stark),在赴阿富汗測試新型導彈時受襲重傷,並被綁架和心臟受重傷,須靠外界提供電能以維持心臟跳動,而當地民兵雖饒他一命,卻遭強迫製造殺傷力強的導彈。他暗地裡研製超微型核動力心臟起博器,及秘密製造了一件原型動力服(馬克一號),成功逃出基地。


東尼回國後從此想法改變,反對製造大殺傷力武器,決心研製動力服(馬克二號與馬克三號)。而綁架事件涉及不為人知的陰謀,且本身擁有的武器公司被施奧比(Obadiah Stane)排除出管理之外。於是東尼穿上強化服,前往阿富汗打擊當地魚肉鄉民的民兵,並在回程時在美國領空與兩架F-22進行空中纏鬥。爾後施坦從阿富汗獲取的原型強化服殘骸中研發了另一組新式強化服,並搶奪東尼的小型反應爐,東尼在九死一生的情況下撿回一命後與施坦在史塔克總部附近展開了一場決鬥。

故事與原著有所不同,需要重新發展原有故事以反映新科技及現時世界在政治、社會、經濟上的改變。故事背景由越戰改為反恐戰爭,保留原有結構。拍攝地方遷往西岸的洛杉磯,有別原著主角所住的紐約。而雖叫作鋼鐵人,事實上動力服的裝甲是由鈦合金製成的。而史塔克企業(Stark Industries)是洛克希德·馬丁公司在劇中的化身。

(Iron Man) by Austrian director Zhuang method, based on the Marvel Comics (Marvel Comics) in sci-fi superhero action movies the Steelers. By Robert Downie small, starring Gwyneth Paltrow.

American industrialist and inventor Tony Stark (Tony Stark), went to Afghanistan in time to test new missile attack seriously, and the heart of the abduction and serious injuries to the outside world have to rely on the provision of electricity to maintain the heart beat, and the local militia, although Rao his life, but was forced to create deadly missiles. He secretly to develop ultra-micro-nuclear power pacemakers, and the clandestine manufacture of a prototype power suit (Mark One), managed to escape from the base.

Story Introduction:

Tony returned home to change from the idea of opposition to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, is determined to serve the development of power (Mark II and Mark on the 3rd). The kidnapping plot involving unknown, and the companies have their own weapons being patronized obi (Obadiah Stane) rule out the possibility of the administration. Tony was put on strengthening the services to villagers in Afghanistan against the local militia fish and return in the United States airspace and two F-22 air battle. Stein then obtained from the prototype of Afghanistan to strengthen research and development services in the wreckage of another group of new enhanced services, and to snatch a small reactor Tony, Tony in the case of九死一生retrieve a life with Stein in the total Stark Department of a duel near.

Different from the original story and the need for re-development of the original story to reflect the new technology and the world in the political, social and economic change. Stories from the Vietnam War changed the context of the war on terror to keep the original structure. Filming in the West Bank to move to Los Angeles where, with other original characters live in New York. Although the Steelers called, in fact, the armored power suit is made of titanium alloy. And Stark Enterprises (Stark Industries) is a Lockheed Martin Corporation in the embodiment of the drama.


