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Clayface (Matt Hagen/皮膚人)

馬特哈根是一位著名的電影演員。嚴重毀容的汽車事故中,他被送往世界街頭燒傷診所。在診所哈根接觸,羅蘭達格特,扭曲商人尋找測試科目為他的“神奇產品” RenuYou 。達格特承諾產品可以恢復哈根的功能相比,在幾分鐘內,以多年的整形外科手術,他將不得不忍受。唯一的問題是,這種藥物是不是美國食品藥品管理局批准和高度上癮。作為交換條件的產品,達格特被迫哈根犯下的罪行。當哈根最後拒絕做任何更多的達格特的骯髒的工作,提供RenuYou被切斷。瘋狂的藥物,哈根闖入RenuYou植物他達格特的追隨者澆加侖的有毒化學物質的考驗下跌哈根的喉嚨。

不是死於過量,化學浸泡每個細胞在哈根的身體,把他變成了一個可怕的人的粘土。一個憤怒的哈根發誓要摧毀羅蘭達格特。哈根什麼都沒有意識到的是,他的新的蜂窩結構使他能夠改變自己的形狀和外觀。他可以成為什麼,他希望僅僅思考一下它。作為一個有生命力的shapeshifter ,他成為邪惡Clayface 。作為一個蝙蝠俠的最離奇的和困難的罪犯來處理,它非常措施逮捕Clayface 。當發現,他被認為是精神錯亂和特殊訴訟的目的是要求他在阿克翰庇護(儘管他被認為已經死亡的插曲“泥石流” ) 。

偵探# 40 , 1940年6月。

Matt Hagen was a well-known movie actor. Badly disfigured in an automobile accident, he was rushed to the Gotham burn clinic. At the clinic Hagen was approached by Roland Daggett, a crooked businessman looking for test subjects for his "miracle product" RenuYou. Daggett promised the product could restore Hagen's features within minutes as compared to the years of plastic surgery he would have to endure. The only problem was that this drug was not FDA approved and highly addictive. In exchange for the product, Daggett forced Hagen to commit crimes. When Hagen finally refused to do any more of Daggett's dirty work, the supply of RenuYou was cut off. Crazed for the drug, Hagan broke into the RenuYou plant where he Daggett's henchmen poured gallons of the untested toxic chemical down Hagen's throat.

Instead of dying from an overdose, the chemical soaked every cell in Hagen's body, transforming him into a hideous man of clay. An enraged Hagen vowed to destroy Roland Daggett. What Hagen did not realize was that his new cellular structure allowed him to change his shape and appearance. He could form anything he wanted just by thinking it. As a living shapeshifter, he became the evil Clayface. As one of Batman's most bizarre and difficult criminals to handle, it takes great measures to apprehend Clayface. When caught, he was deemed insane and a special suit was designed to hold him in Arkham Asylum (Although he was believed to have died in the episode "Mudslide").

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #40, June 1940.


