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Ra's Al Ghul and Talia

米勒赫古爾是最神秘的蝙蝠俠和狡猾的敵人。他並不贊同的刑事責任瘋狂組流氓畫廊。米勒赫古爾是刑事像沒有其他。沒有人確切知道他出生時,但他聲稱已存活了600多年。他的名字翻譯的意思是“惡魔的頭。 ”

角頭一個世界性的犯罪組織,其任務是淨化受污染的地球,並恢復性質的自治領簡略的人類,最終創造一個更美好的世界,他將統治。他將使用一切必要的手段和力量,以實現其瘋狂邪惡的夢想一個新的烏托邦社會。角始終伴隨著他的忠實的保鏢, Ubu 。他的瘋狂來自於獨特的電源保持身體的外觀,拉撒路坑。這是一個未知的實質內容補充身體,像一個噴泉的青年。但是一側影響法術純粹是瘋狂。正沉迷於這種物質只要有幹有一絲一毫的道德和價值觀米勒赫古爾。他認為自己是上述任何預設法律是由人類。他有眾多的追隨者,並領導一個邪教組織一樣充滿男子誰將盡他的出價。他是極其危險的和狡猾。

他有興趣蝙蝠俠他認為可能會引起的拉撒路窖影響正在減少。嶺的感覺,他需要一個男性成為他的繼任者。由於他的後代只能是他的女兒塔利亞,他必須選擇一個男性娶她認為是值得成為統治者,他龐大的帝國。角,以證明他的足智多謀的會議蝙蝠俠的“偵探” ,他叫他,用他自己的Batcave證實,他知道他的秘密。經執行許多試驗證明是否蝙蝠俠值得成為他的繼任角知道他立即發現了一個。但蝙蝠俠拒絕無數次,從而角認為,因為他將不會與他,他們必須對彼此的敵人。他是非常講究,可以相當催眠。嶺的多次返回後,蝙蝠俠的敵人認為已經死去了。

蝙蝠俠# 232 , 1971年6月。

Ra's Al Ghul is the single most mysterious and cunning of Batman's foes. He does not associate with the criminally insane group of the rogues gallery. Ra's Al Ghul is a criminal like no other. No one knows exactly when he was born, but he claims to have been alive for over 600 years. His name translated means "The Demon's Head."

Ra's heads a worldwide criminal organization, whose mission is to purify a polluted planet, and restore nature to the dominion abridged by the human race, ultimately creating a better world where he would rule. He will use whatever means and force necessary to achieve his twisted vision of a new utopian society. Ra's is always accompanied by his faithful bodyguard, Ubu. His madness originates in the unique power source which maintains his body's appearance, The Lazarus Pit. It is a substance of unknown elements which replenishes the body, like a fountain of youth. The side affects however are spells of sheer madness. Being addicted to this substance for so long has dried any bit of morals and values for Ra's Al Ghul. He views himself as above any preset laws which are governed by mankind. He has many followers, and heads a cult like organization filled with men who will do his bidding. He is extremely dangerous and cunning.

His interest in Batman arose when he felt the Lazarus Pits affect was dwindling. Ra's feels he needs a male to be his successor. Since his only offspring is his daughter Talia, he has to choose a male to marry her that is worthy of becoming ruler of his vast empire. Ra's proves his resourcefulness to Batman by meeting the "Detective" as he calls him, in his own Batcave confirming that he knows his secret. Upon implementing many tests to prove whether Batman was worthy of becoming his successor, Ra's knew immediately he had found the one. But Batman refused numerous times, and thus Ra's believes that since he will not be with him, they must be against each other, as enemies. He is highly sophisticated and can be quite hypnotic. Ra's has returned many times after Batman thinks has foe had perished.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman #232, June 1971.


偵探# 411 , 1971年5月。

Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, it can be truly said that Talia is as mysterious as her father. Talia has devoted her life to aiding her fathers crusade to purify the planet. She finds herself completely in love with Batman, and unlike Batman's other admirers, she cares for him both he and Bruce Wayne. This poses a great dilemma to Talia, as Batman defies everything Ra's Al Ghul stands for, and has sworn to fight his global terrorism. Part of Talia's lack of loyalty toward her father can be attributed to the fact that he admittedly does not treat her with the same respect that he would if he had a son. To Ra's Al Ghul only a son is worthy of succeeding him and leading his organization. With all that aside Talia still finds herself drawn to her father, and many times has betrayed her beloved Batman in order to aid her father.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective #411, May 1971.


