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ALFRRED(Batman 管家)

巴特勒的韋恩家庭,阿爾弗雷德管家,已經知道布魯斯韋恩他的大部分生活。去世後,托馬斯和Martha韋恩,阿爾弗雷德成為第二個父親布魯斯和是少數誰是樞密院的秘密載於韋恩莊園。除了擔任布魯斯Wayne的巴特勒,阿爾弗雷德往往許多高科技配件在Batcave ,是一個專家技工。一旦代理的英國特工人員在加入韋恩家庭,阿爾弗雷德往往是理智的聲音,約束蝙蝠俠和羅賓的情緒。儘管他公開表示認為他的雇主的夜間活動,他還認為,他們的事業是正義的。


蝙蝠俠# 16 , 1943年4月。

Butler to the Wayne family, Alfred Pennyworth has known Bruce Wayne most of his life. After the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Alfred became a second father to Bruce and is one of the few who are privy to the secrets contained beneath Wayne Manor. In addition to his duties as Bruce Wayne's butler, Alfred tends to much of the high tech gadgetry in the Batcave, and is an expert mechanic. Once an agent for the British Secret Service before joining the Wayne household, Alfred is the voice of reason for the often emotional Batman and Robin. Although he openly voices his opinion about his employer's nocturnal activities, he also believes that their cause is a just one.

Alfred maintains Bruce's daily routine with the utmost attention to detail. His humor is also helpful to Batman who admittedly can be too serious. Jokes not withstanding, Alfred is firmly committed to Batman and his mission. Always vigilant at Wayne Manor while Batman patrols the Gotham night, Alfred minds the phones and gates, covering Bruce Wayne's tracks. Alfred is also a father figure for Dick Grayson when Wayne is not available. Dick looks upon Alfred with great respect, love, understanding and admiration for his loyalty.

First Comic Book Appearance
Batman #16, April 1943.


