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The Incredibles(超人特工隊)

超人特工隊(The Incredibles,中國大陸譯名《超人總動員》,台譯《超人特攻隊》) 彼思動畫製作室製作,迪士尼發行的第六部長篇電腦動畫。本片由布萊德·博得(Brad Bird)導演,Michael Giacchino 配樂,於2004年上映。

『超能先生』(Mr. Incredibles)跟『彈弓女俠』(Elastigirl)戀愛結婚後,被之前獲超能先生拯救的市民控告,指超能先生侵犯他的死亡權利及令他身體受到傷害,其後有越來越多的市民控告所有的超人,政府為平息事件,要求所有超人退休且隱藏超能力,過著平常人的生活。育有三個子女-小麗(Violet)、小衝(Dash)和積仔(Jack-Jack),他們也都遺傳了不同的超能力。生活平凡的超能先生,退休多年卻面臨着「中年危機」,一心只想着能繼續行俠仗義,並和好朋友『冰條俠』(Frozone)偷偷去救人。直到被捲進大壞蛋超勁先生(Syndrome)策劃的陰謀中,超能先生再度面臨考驗。在拯救世界的同時,擁有不同超能力的超人家庭要如何團結抗敵,並解決各自的煩惱。

Incredibles (The Incredibles, the Chinese mainland have been translated into "Superman Story," and the Taiwan translation of "Incredibles"), Pixar Animation Studios production, the sixth issued by the Minister of the Disney computer animation articles. The film won by Brad (Brad Bird) director, Michael Giacchino scores, released in 2004.

Story Introduction:
Mr Chao (Mr. Incredibles) Woman with slingshot (Elastigirl) in love after marriage, was before the President was able to save the super-charged members of the public that Mr. Super violation of his rights and the death of his body hurt, then an increasing number of people charged with all of the Superman, the Government settled the incident, asked to retire and hide all the superhuman abilities, who lived a normal life. They have three children - Xiaoli (Violet), Small Punch (Dash) and plot Aberdeen (Jack-Jack), they also have different genetic abilities. Ordinary life, Mr. Chao, retirement years are facing a "midlife crisis", one just want to continue the行俠仗義and to be good friends Xia Ice (Frozone) secretly to rescue. Get involved until the big super-villain, Mr. Jin (Syndrome) in the planning of the conspiracy, Mr. Chao can again put to the test. At the same time to save the world, with different abilities of the Superman family how to unite against the enemy, and to resolve their own problems.


