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Robin / Dick Grayson's (羅賓/切尼格雷森) 的出現

他們的組合,等於在一起的悲劇,布魯斯•韋恩和切尼格雷森生活明顯類似。作為旅行馬戲團的高絲法“飛天Graysons , ”阿飛格雷森看到他父母的死亡,而他們在海利馬戲表現。 2位extortionist ,托尼Zucco ,切斷電線獲得馬戲團老闆回扣。布魯斯魯尼,誰是觀眾,認為即時連接到的男孩!

此後不久,格雷森成為沃德布魯斯韋恩。魯尼向他提供了一個家,穩固的財政支持,並給了他新的技能,增加了他的巨大體操abilites 。最後,布魯斯韋恩允許格雷森獲得他的大部分私人世界作為他的合作夥伴,羅賓。


偵探漫畫# 38 , 1940年4月。

Bound together by the tragedy they share, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson's lives are distinctly similar. As part of the traveling circus's high wire act "The Flying Graysons," Dick Grayson witnessed his parents' death while they performed at the Haley Circus. A two bit extortionist, Tony Zucco, cut the wire to gain kickbacks from the circus owner. Bruce Wayne, who was in the audience, felt an instant connection to the boy and took him in.

Shortly thereafter, Grayson became the ward of Bruce Wayne. Wayne provided him with a home, solid financial support and taught him new skills, adding to his tremendous gymnastic abilites. Eventually, Bruce Wayne allowed Grayson access to his most private world as his partner, Robin.

Dick Grayson attends Gotham State University causing him to spend less time as his alter ego. But thanks to semester breaks, Dick returns to Wayne Manor where he dons his famed red and green costume whenever the need arises.

First Comic Book Appearance
Detective Comics #38, April 1940.


